Mahabharat (2013 TV series) The show will be re-aired on Star Bharat from 5 August 2018 every Sunday at 8pm IST, the show will be re aired because it's popularity. It was produced by Swastik Productions Pvt. Ltd starring Saurabh Raj Jain as Shri Krishna, Shaheer Sheikh as Arjun, Pooja Sharma as Draupadi, Aham Sharma as Karna. Mahabharat star plus serial all episodes list. Star plus के mahabharat serial के total 267 episodes है जिन्हें 28 seasons में बांटा गया है, इन सभी 28 seasons के links नीचे दिए गए है। serial के कुछ episodes को छोड़ कर बाकी.
The film was a release on 27 December 2013. Several actors like,,,,,,, have been signed up for the characters in the film. Mahabharat is touted as the most expensive animated film in Bollywood. The movie tells the story of the Indian epic Mahabharata in a way children would find entertaining.